Monday, January 15, 2018

Book 1 - for series 52

I want to create a book a week for the rest of 2018!!!!

(I've created 3 already, so I am up to date!!)

Here is number 1.
 I am sharing this in a FB groep called series 52,
and it's all about creating something a year long;
the choice what you want to create is your own...
so somebody else might want to de a sketch a week.. 

This is my text on that FB page:

"Series 52 - my first week .. a tiny booklet... it measures 6x6 centimeters..

... : 7 stitched signatures (3 folded watercolor paper per signature) , binded it with a hard cover (cotton fabric to cover the covers)... even the head bands are there.. so the most used binding in the book industry, I think.
.... I want to make a book (I think they are all going to be mini's, just to practice the binding etc. ) every week. Wanted this for a long time now, and decided to take this up through 2018 at Series 52 

... . It's about the making, not the filling of the book with art.. not at this stage anyway.. I might change my mind during the process....
This one is going to hold all passport photo's from one of my sons.. I think .. not sure yet..

HOPE YOU like it!!"


  1. Wat mooi Elly....wil dit ook al zo lang ....diverse bindingen leren en zelf boeken maken......

  2. Wauw, dit is prachtig gedaan, en zo mini, supermooi ! Groetjes, Enny


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